June 2020 School News

Message from Mr Luke Kilcoyne – 26th June 2020

Dear Parent/s, Guardian/s and Pupils,

Farewell to 6th class:

We were very saddened that we could not say “Farewell to the Class of 2020 ” in the usual way on their last day in Scoil Naomh Fiachra. They have grown so much and in so many ways during their time in Illistrin. They have become great young people and have made amazing progress over the years. The whole school community is really proud of them. They are a great credit to their school, their families and, most importantly, to themselves. Please enjoy their “Graduation Video” below and watch their wonderful journey over the last 8 years.

Today marks the end of a long association with Scoil Naomh Fiachra for the parents of 6th class pupils who do not have younger children still in the school. To all of you, a big “thank you” for all your support and cooperation down through the years. All of you supported your child’s learning throughout their time in Illistrin. You supported so many school events over the years. Many of you were very active members  of our Parents’ Association Committee. Some of you served as Parent Nominees on the Board of Management of the school. You gave your time and expertise freely and consistently over the years. Your contribution to our school has been immense and you will be sorely missed. Míle Buíochas Daoibh go Léir.


School Reopening:

Once again, a sincere well done to all parents and pupils for all your great work engaging in home based learning over these last few months. We know it has been a challenge. All parents, guardians and pupils should be really proud of how you have come through a very difficult time for children and their families.

As I write, the Guidelines for the reopening of Primary Schools are being drawn up by the Department of Education in consultation with the HSE and all of the representative bodies in the education sector. Recently the Minister for Education indicated that they will be published in late July or early August. Please be assured that as soon as we have clear information and guidelines we will begin making our own specific arrangements for safely reopening the school. A plan will be put in place by the Board of Management of the school and communicated to you prior to the school reopening.

Book Rental Fees:

Your child’s booklist was posted home with her/his report card. Payment for book rental, insurance etc. can be made when school reopens. Details of the Pupil Personal Accident Insurance Scheme and a copy of all booklists can be viewed under the parents’ info tab above.


Summer Holidays:

I hope all pupils and their families will enjoy the summer break from school work. As restrictions begin to be lifted opportunities will arise for families to enjoy the summer while still obeying all government regulations and advice re movement, hand hygiene, coughing & sneezing etiquette and physical distancing.

Thank you once again for all your hard work, engagement and perseverance over the last few months. As a school community, we should be very proud of what we have achieved together and I have no doubt we will respond equally well to the challenges the next school year will present.

Finally, to our wonderful pupils: Enjoy your Summer Holidays!

Mr Luke Kilcoyne.


6th Class Graduation 2020

Please click on the link below to view 6th Class Graduation 2020:



Message from Mr Luke Kilcoyne – 19th June 2020

Dear Parent/s, Guardian/s and Pupils,

Returning books to the school:

In order for teachers to prepare for the new school year it is vitally important that school rental books currently at home are left back to the school next week. This will enable us to check what books we have in stock and what books we need to order before school reopens on our planned reopening date, Tuesday 1st September 2020.

Please drop any books your child has at home which belong to the school at the school gate on Tuesday 23rd June anytime between 8.00 a.m. and 6.00p.m.

Your cooperation is greatly appreciated.


My Covid 19 Memories Week:

Next week is our final week of school this academic year. A fitting end to this rather strange year is in the format of a padlet entitled ‘MY COVID-19 Memories Week’. There are various activities included, catering for all ages. Your child’s class teacher will email all you need to know.

This link and will take you to a whole range of activities to try out during the week:


Thank you to everyone who took part in some of the STEAM Week Activities – you can see some of the great work done by our pupils on this padlet: https://padlet.com/sarahtkeogh/60ei5li1m5whmer1
You can still upload your own pictures/videos – why not show the school community what you have been doing! Please email your child’s class teacher the completed STEAM Week Activity Tracker and the teacher will email your child’s STEAM Week Certificate to you.

Kindest Regards,
Luke Kilcoyne.
Principal Teacher.

Wellness Week

Message from Mr Luke Kilcoyne – 12th June 2020.

Dear Parent/s, Guardian/s and Pupils,

I trust you are all keeping safe and well.

The partial lifting of restrictions is an acknowledgement that the measures put in place by our Government since schools closed on March 12th, and all the sacrifices that we have all made, have been worthwhile. Hopefully progress will continue to be made and we can look forward to an enjoyable summer.


Parents’ Association  Virtual 5K

There is still plenty of time to participate in our Parents’ Association Virtual 5K. Get the family out and enjoy a walk/run and some fresh air together. Please visit the PA Facebook page (Illistrin PA) to donate or you can donate via this link:


You can also send in some pictures of your participation to the PA Facebook page and maybe show some interesting sights you see along the way.



Next week is STEAM Week. 

The Junior Infant – 2nd class padlet of ideas is here:


The 3rd – 6th class padlet of ideas is here:


This week we ask that you upload photos or short videos (a few seconds long) of your child’s work to our STEAM Week padlet which is here:


Instructions (it’s really easy) on how to upload a photo or video can be read here:


This padlet will become a record of our pupils’ work during STEAM Week and will be uploaded to our website.

Your child’s class teacher will email you further details about STEAM Week.


Wellness Week Movie

Thank you to everyone who emailed a video, photo or poster of activities carried out during Wellness Week. Over 300 emails were received. The video is currently being put together and will be posted to this website as soon as possible.


End of year School Reports
You should receive your child/ren/’s report/s by post early next week. This will allow time to enable parents to discuss the content of the report with their child’s current teacher should they wish to do so before the end of the school year on 26th June.


I have been asked by Bishop McGuckian to pass on this short message to you.

Message from Bishop Alan McGuckian

Little Way Sunday School

A lovely initiative that has emerged during the Lockdown is the Little Way Sunday School.  It started on Pentecost Sunday and is made available every Friday evening for the following Sunday. It is available under ‘Little Way Sunday School’ on Youtube and on the Diocese of Raphoe Facebook Page. I encourage all parents and pupils in the school to subscribe.

Le gach dea ghuí,

Bishop Alan McGuckian.


School photographs

As access to the school is limited to the carrying out of essential work only, we are unable to organise the distribution of the school photographs which were taken in March. The photographer assures me that all photographs are in safe storage and we will arrange distribution of the photographs as soon as school reopens.

Kindest regards,

Mr Luke Kilcoyne.


Friday 5th June – Message from Luke Kilcoyne

Dear pupils and parents,

Wellness Week

I trust you all enjoyed some of the Wellness Week Activities provided on our padlet. The padlet will remain live for the remainder of the school year and you can continue to access all the activities here: https://padlet.com/sarahtkeogh/co4dfj97mg36ku6h

Thank you to everyone who joined our online Fun Family Quiz this morning – great fun for everyone!

A reminder that pupils should email their completed Activity Tracker to their teacher to earn their certificate of participation. Please email photos/video clips of activities that your children enjoyed to illistrinwellnessweek@gmail.com The clips and photos will be compiled into a Wellness Week Movie.


Work for the remainder of the school year

Generally, June is a busy month in school with various sporting competitions, school tours, active week and outdoor lessons. With this in mind, we have changed our way of encouraging home learning for this month.

Week beginning 8th June:

The amount of suggested work emailed to parents has been reduced this week. Teachers have provided less school work and have made suggestions for some enjoyable activities from our Wellness Week padlet or project based work. Please use your own discretion regarding how many of the activities your children engage with.

Friday 12th June will be School Tour Day for every pupil in the school. Your child’s teacher has suggested a virtual school tour followed by a treat in the afternoon enjoyed at home. We understand that this will not be the same as the “real thing” with their classmates and school staff but we wanted to let pupils know that we hadn’t forgotten the importance of the school tour.


Week beginning 15th June:

This week will be STEAM Week –  Science Technology Engineering Arts Maths.

STEAM Week will follow the same pattern as Wellness Week. A padlet of optional activities under the 5 headings will be created. Pupils will be invited to choose their preferred lessons, track their own participation and gain a certificate at the end of the week.


Week beginning 22nd June:

This week we will ask each pupil to consider/reflect on life since March 12th when school closed. ‘My COVID-19 Memories’ will be the theme of the week. More details will be emailed to you nearer the time.


School Reopening

As of today we are planning to reopen the school on Tuesday 1st September. The Guidelines for the reopening of Primary schools will be drawn up by the Department of Education in consultation with the HSE and all of the representative bodies in the education sector. Please be assured that as soon as we have clear information and guidelines we will begin making our own specific arrangements and plans for safely reopening the school. I will keep you informed at all times as we proceed.


Kind regards,

Mr Luke Kilcoyne.

Parents’ Association 5K
The Parents’ Association are hosting a Virtual 5k in aid of the school and Donegal Hospice. You can choose any day between Monday 8th June and Sunday 14th June to participate. Get the family out and enjoy a walk/run and some fresh air together. Please visit the PA Facebook page to donate or you can donate via this link:
You can send in some pictures of your participation and maybe some interesting sights you see along the way. Photos can be sent to the Illistrin PA Facebook page. €20 entry per family, all donations welcome.
Please support our Virtual 5K if you can.
Thank you!
From the Parents’ Association Committee

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