Please click on the link below to access your child’s work during the school closure:
Week: 27th April – 1st May 2020
Mrs Barron
Mrs. Barron 1st Class Lit and Num SET 27th April
Mrs. Barron 2nd CLass Literacy SET 27th April
Mrs. Barron 2nd Class Numeracy SET 27th April
Mrs. Barron 6th Class SET 27th April
Mrs. Barron Senior Infants Literacy SET 27th April (2)
Mrs Davies
Ms Davies 5th EAL April 27th-May 1st
Ms Davies Literacy & Numeracy 5th Class Group A April 27th-May 1st
Ms Davies Literacy 3rd A & B April 27th-May 1st
Ms Davies Literacy 3rd C & D April 27th-May 1st
Ms Davies Numeracy 3rd April 27th-May 1st
Mrs Hughes
Mrs. Hughes 3rd Class Literacy 27th April
Mrs. Hughes 3rd class Numeracy 27th April
Ms Mc Clafferty & Ms Clarke
Social Group Ms Mc Clafferty Mrs Clarke 27th April
4th Class Numeracy Group 27th April Ms Mc Clafferty Ms Clarke
4th Class Literacy Group 27th April Ms Mc Clafferty and Ms Clarke
Mrs Mc Menamin
Mrs McMenamin SET Week 27th April
Ms Coughlan
MsCoughlanSET3rd ClassNumWeek5
Mrs McGinley
Mrs Mc Ginley-SET-2nd Class- Week27th April-1st May
Mrs Mc Ginley-SET-4thClass- Week27th April-1st May
Mrs Mc Ginley-SET-Senior Infants Literacy and Numeracy- Week27th April-1st May
Mrs Mc Ginley-SET-Senior Infants Literacy- Week27th April-1st May
Mrs Mc Ginley-SET-Senior Infants Speech and Language- Week27th April-1st May
Mrs Mahoney
Mrs Horkan
Ms Horkan SET 27th April – 1st May 2020
Week: 27th April – 1st May 2020
Ms McGlynn & Ms McGroarty EAL 27th April
Mrs. Mc Bride-EAL-Week 27thApr-1st May
Week: 20th – 24th April 2020
Mrs Barron
Mrs Barron – SET – 2nd class Numeracy – Week 20th -24th April
Mrs Barron – Senior Infants – Week 20th-24th April
Mrs Barron – SET – 6th class – Week 20th – 24th April
Mrs. Barron – SET – 1st class – Week 20th-24th April
Ms Barron SET – 2nd class Literacy – Week 20th -24th April
Mrs Davies
Ms Davies – SET – Week 20th – 24th April
Mrs Hughes
Mrs Hughes -2nd Mrs. Dunne-Week 20th -24th April
Mrs Hughes- 3rd Numeracy-Week 20th-24th April
Mrs Hughes-Literacy 3rd – Week 20th-24th April
Ms Mc Clafferty & Ms Clarke
Ms Clarke Ms McClafferty – numeracy 4th- Week 20th April
Ms Clarke Ms McClafferty – social speech and language-Week 20th April
Ms Clarke Ms McClafferty- SET – 20th april literacy group
Mrs Mc Menamin
Ms McMenamin – SET – Week 20th April
Ms Coughlan
MsCoughlan – SET – 2ndClass Num – Week 20th-24th April
MsCoughlan – SET – 1stClass – SPHE – Week 20th-24th April
MsCoughlan – SET – 1stClass Lit Week 20th-24th April
MsCoughlan – SET – 2ndClass – Lit – Week 20th-24th April
MsCoughlan – SET – 3rdClass – Num – Week 20th -24th April
MsCoughlan – SET – 3rdClass – SPHE – Week 20th-24th April
Mrs McGinley
Ms McGinley – SET – Senior Infants – Fine Motor Skills – Week 20th-24th April
Ms McGinley – SET – 2nd Class – Week 20th-24th April
Ms McGinley – SET – 4th Class- Week 20th-24th April
Ms McGinley – SET – Senior Infants Literacy – Week 20th-24th April
Ms McGinley – SET – Senior Infants Literacy and Numeracy- Week 20th-24th April
Ms McGinley – SET – Senior Infants Speech and Language – Week 20th-24th April
Mrs Mahoney
Mrs Mahoney – SET – 3rd Class- Week 20th April
Mrs Mahoney – SET – 5_4 spld- Week 20th April
Mrs Mahoney – SET – 5th Class – Week 20th April
Mrs Mahoney – SET- 6th Class- Week 20th April
Ms Mahoney- SET – 6th SPLD – Week 20th April
Mrs Horkan
Week: 20th – 24th April 2020
Ms McGlynn-EAL – Week 20th-24th April
Mrs. Mc Bride-EAL-Week 20th-24th April
Week – 20th March 2020 & Easter Break Suggestions
Mrs Barron
Students from senior infants attending Mrs Barron SET
students from 1st class attending mrs Barron for literacy and numeracy
students from 2nd class attending Mrs. Barron
Mrs Davies
Mrs Edel Davies 3rd Class Groups Week 3 and Easter Work
Mrs Edel Davies Lessons 3rd class groups C & D Week 3 & Easter
Mrs Edel Davies Lessons 5th & 6th class Week 3 and Easter break
Mrs Hughes
Mrs Hughes 3rd Class Literacy Group week 3 and Easter Break
Mrs Hughes 3rd class Numeracy Group Week 3 and Easter
Ms Mc Clafferty & Ms Clarke
Ms Mc Clafferty Ms Clarke Groups Week 30th March 2020
Mrs Mc Menamin
Mrs McMenamin – Nurture Teacher WEEK 3 and EASTER BREAK
Ms Coughlan
MsCoughlan SET 1stClass Lit Week3
MsCoughlan SET 1stClass SPHEWeek3
MsCoughlan SET 2nd ClassNum Week3
MsCoughlan SET 2ndClass Lit Week3
MsCoughlan SET 3rdClass NumWeek3 (1)
MsCoughlan SET 3rdClass SPHE Week3
Mrs McGinley
Mrs McGinley 2nd class SET week 3 and Easter work
Mrs McGinley Senior Infants literacy and numeracy Groups week 3 and Easter break
Ms McGinley Senior infants- fine motor group Week and Easter Group
Mrs McGinley Senior Infants literacy Group Week 3 and Easter break
Mrs McGinley Senior Infants Speech and Language Group Week 3 and Easter Break
Mrs McGinley SET 4th class Week 3 and Easter work
Mrs Mahoney
Mrs Mahoney Literacy and Numeracy Groups
Mrs Horkan
Ms Horkan SET groups Week 3 & Easter work
Week: 20th March 2020 & Easter Break Suggestions
Ms McBride EAL work for week 3 and Easter Break
Ms McGlynn EAL work for week 3 & Easter Break
Week: 16th March 2020 & Week – 23rd March 2020
1st class children attending Mrs Barron
2nd class children attending Mrs Barron Numeracy
SENIOR INFANT children attending Mrs Barron and Mrs Mc Ginley
Ms McClafferty & Ms Clarke work
Please click on the link below to access your child’s work during the school closure:
Week: 16th March 2020 & Week – 23rd March 2020