Healthy Eating Policy
This policy was reviewed and revised in the 2015-2016 academic year. Ms Mary Larkin, our SPHE Coordinator, led the review process. Joan Boyle, a nutritionist, was the guest speaker at the Parents’ Association A.G.M. in October 2015. School staff discussed the policy at staff meetings in Spring 2016.
The Principal Teacher outlined the content of the policy to a Parents’ Association Committee meeting in March 2016. The Policy was outlined by the Principal Teacher to the Parents’ Association A.G.M. in October 2016.
In Scoil Naomh Fiachra, Illistrin, we strive to promote healthy eating amongst the pupils in our everyday teaching. Healthy eating is part of the curriculum of Social Personal Health Education (S.P.H.E.) which is taught in all classes. A healthy lunch includes food from the bottom four levels of the food pyramid. We aspire to help each child take some responsibility for his/her health by encouraging positive choices in relation to diet. To support our Healthy Eating Policy, we ask that parents/guardians provide children with a healthy lunch each day.
Healthy eating during the school day promotes good concentration and alertness. Treats and drinks, which have high sugar levels, affect concentration and cause surges and dips of energy.
It is important that children take enough fluids during the day to avoid dehydration, which can cause them to become tired and weak. Water and milk are the best choice as they are both tooth friendly and milk provides valuable calcium, which is essential for growing bones and teeth.
The following foods are suitable for lunches:
- Whole fresh fruit
- All types of bread
- Salads
- Yogurts
- Rice cakes/Crackers
- Cereal bars (without chocolate/nuts)
- Popcorn (low salt option)
- Fruit Juices
- Smoothies
- Raw vegetables
- Meat, chicken, fish & eggs
The following foods are not permitted in our school
- Crisps
- Winders
- Sweets
- Chocolates
- Gum
- Kiwis (due to allergies)
- Any foods containing nuts (due to allergies)
- Pastries
- Muffins
- Doughnuts
- Biscuits
- Fizzy drinks
- Cans and glasses are not permitted for safety and litter reasons.
- Foods which have wrappers are to be kept to a minimum and brought home to reduce litter and protect our school environment. Wrapping sandwiches in greaseproof paper is kinder to our environment as it is biodegradable. We also encourage the use of reusable sandwich bags.
Parents/caregivers are encouraged to inform staff of any allergies pertaining to their child. We ask all parents to adhere to school policy by not including any foods containing nuts or kiwi. Due to allergies we encourage children not to share lunches. We would ask you not to send birthday cakes/cupcakes to school for the same reasons.
We as a staff will strengthen our Healthy Eating Policy by carrying out the following:
- Praise and affirmation
- A ‘fun event’ to highlight healthy lunches, example, competitions, artwork and displays.
- Inform all new staff of our policy
- Ensure that guidelines are clearly displayed
- Integrate Healthy Eating Education into other curricular areas
- Display the Food Pyramid and other relevant posters
- Run an annual Healthy Eating and Fitness Week to highlight awareness.
Through this policy, our school aims to help all those in our school community: children, staff and parents in developing a positive and responsible attitude to eating and appreciate the contribution that good food makes to our health. We would greatly appreciate your co-operation and support in implementing this revised Healthy Eating Policy.
This policy was approved at a meeting of the Board of Management on 11th October 2016.
Signed: Fr Eamonn McLaughlin
Fr Eamonn McLaughlin, Chairperson, Board of Management.