Festive Cheer in Illistrin
Adam, Liam and Ailbhe counting down the days until Santa arrives.
A very busy year in Ms McGarvey’s Junior Infants
Christmas Assemblies
Mr J. Gallagher’s 2nd Class Christmas Play – Are We There Yet?
Mr Maguire’s 1st Class with ‘Hosanna Rock’
Mr Maguire’s 1st Class boys and girls performed ‘Hosanna Rock’ for their families and the school on Tuesday 18th December. The children had been rehearsing their songs and lines since Halloween, so they were super excited to perform it. The fantastic singing along with the beautiful costumes got everyone into the Christmas Spirit. Well done to all involved and a big thank you to everyone that attended!
Parents’ Association Christmas Party
‘Rock around the Flock’ with Ms Ferry & Ms Devlin’s 3rd Classes
Ms Ferry & Ms Devlin’s 3rd Classes performed a more modern version of the Nativity play called ‘Rock around the Flock’. The singing and dancing was to perfection. Thank you to all the parents and family members that came to see their show! Well done to all the students and their proud teachers!
6th Class Christmas Party with Senior Infants
Thank you to all of Ms McMenamin’s 6th class who took time out to bake cookies & bring Ms McGrath’s Senior Infants to their room for a Christmas Party. 6th Class students played games with them, did some Christmas colouring activities, read stories & they all watched a movie. It showed us that Christmas is a time for being kind, giving and loving one another!
Junior Infants – The Alphabet Nativity
Well done to all the Junior infants who performed ‘The Alphabet Nativity’ to their parents, family members and to the school. A massive amount of work went into learning their lines and songs and their teachers Ms Lafferty, Ms Stewart & Ms McGarvey are very proud of them. They made us feel very festive and they put a smile on our faces with their cuteness.
Minister for Education visits Illistrin School
Ms Dillon’s 1st Class Christmas Play – ‘Forgetful Santa’
‘Forgetful Santa’ tells us of how Santa is getting ready to leave the North Pole on Christmas Eve, but knows he has forgotten something! The reindeer , elves and Mrs. Claus all help him to remember everything we need for Christmas, especially the real meaning, The Nativity. Well done to all the children, their class teacher & helpers for putting on a great show!
5th Class ‘Christmas Log making & Festive Cheer’
A massive well done to all of the 5th Classes, teachers, helpers, parents & grandparents who were involved in the Christmas Log making. The logs were cut, holes drilled in them for candles, holly & they were then decorated with moss, ribbon and selected decorations chosen by the students. There was such a lovely Christmas atmosphere in the hall. The children ended the day with beautiful Christmas songs!
‘Christmas Shortbread Cookies’ with Ms Lynch
Arya, Charlotte, Patricia & Marc making Christmas shortbread cookies with Ms Lynch. The children followed the recipe and decorated them! They tasted delicious!
‘Big Bad Ben of Bethlehem’ performed by Ms Dunne’s & Ms Larkin’s 2nd Classes
A massive well done to 2nd classes who told the story of ‘Big Bad Ben of Bethlehem’. Ben was a very bad student who did many naughty things, however a super nanny angel came along and changed his life. From ‘knock, knock’ jokes, to Mary’s baby being born in the Manager to the ‘Wise Men’, it certainly was a show-stopping performance by both classes!
‘I have a Dream’ performed by Ms Davies & Mr Kenny’s 4th Classes
4th Class told the story of ‘I have a Dream’ informing us of the true meaning of Christmas. The music, dance and story were performed to perfection! A massive well done to all the children and their teachers.
Senior Infants Christmas Show
Senior Infants performed many Christmas songs to their parents, grandparents and family members. It really got us all into the festive spirit. They were amazing and their teachers were very proud of them! They now wait patiently on Santa to arrive!!
Brian, The Christmas Tree
Ms Molloy’s 3rd class told the story of ‘Brian, The Christmas Tree’. Brian was in danger of being unloved and unwanted for Christmas until he was rescued by a welcoming family. They made their own set and impressed everyone with their singing and dancing. Their costumes were fantastic.
A Christmas Toy story
Ms McLaughlins 1st class performed ‘A Christmas Toy Story’. Their play was a beautiful reminder of the true meaning of Christmas. Their parents, family members and teacher were very proud of them.
Kid’s Christmas Party
St. Vincent de Paul Christmas Appeal 2018
Many thanks to everyone who supported our annual St. Vincent de Paul Christmas Food Appeal. Pupils and family members gave generously. Three cars were filled with your donations. All donations will be passed on to local families. Pictured are pupils, staff members and officers from the local chapter of the St. Vincent de Paul.
Preparing for Christmas in Scoil Naomh Fiachra
All members of the school community are enjoying the season of Advent and busily preparing for Christmas. Pictured are some 2nd class pupils with our Christmas Tree in the school lobby. Our crib is situated in the window of our court yard. It reminds us all of the joyous story of the First Christmas.
Alice in Wonderland in An Grianán Theater hosted by Scoil Naomh Fiachra
Ms McMenamin’s 6th class Christmas Art
Ms McMenamin’s 6th class are looking forward to the Toy Show. Their jumpers are ready!
Ms O’Donnell’s 6th class Christmas Art
Ms O’Donnell’s 6th class produced some beautiful Nativity Scenes.
St Vincent de Paul Appeal
Once again this year we seek your support for our Annual St Vincent de Paul Appeal. Every pupil took home a letter asking for donations. All donations can be brought to school on Tuesday 4th of December or Wednesday 5th of December.
It is important to remember that Christmas can be a struggle for some local families and it is great to see our pupils and family members thinking of others at this time of year. Your support is greatly appreciated.
St Vincent De Paul Appeal Letter 2018
Caring for the Environment Award
We were delighted to be chosen by Letterkenny Tidy Towns for a Caring for the Environment Award. This award was in recognition of our participation in the Green Schools Programme and developing our school garden. A butterfly garden has been created in our courtyard and we look forward to the appearance of these beautiful creatures next May/June. Mr Gallagher is pictured with some of last year’s 5th class pupils who worked on our vegetable garden behind the school. The strawberries were particularly delicious!
Ms McMenamin’s 6th class Christmas Art
Ms McMenamin’s 6th class are looking forward to the Toy Show. Their jumpers are ready!
Ms O’Donnell’s 6th class Christmas Art
Ms O’Donnell’s 6th class produced some beautiful Nativity Scenes.