April 2020 School News

Celebrating International Day at Home during Covid 19
Friday 24th April 2020 – Message from Mr Luke Kilcoyne

Dear Parents/Guardians,

I hope you and your children are making the most of the fine weather  we are enjoying during the Covid 19 crisis. Plenty of fresh air is good for everyone but please continue to follow the Government’s directive regarding movement within a 2k radius of your home.


Work for week beginning 27th April

Teachers have placed work for the week under the Parents info tab above. After clicking on Parents info you then need to click on Curriculum resources and then click on the relevant class and then the relevant teacher’s name. Specific work that is highlighted by the teacher should be emailed to the teacher directly and the teacher will provide feedback. A scanned copy or a photograph of the work is fine.


Please note that if your child attends a Special Education Teacher or an English as an Additional Language Teacher, work from that teacher is also available and labelled as “SEN/EAL” under the Parents info, Curriculum resources tab at the top of this page. Alternatively, the SEN/EAL teacher may email you directly with suggestions for work.


Time Limit

You may find it useful to set a time limit for work each day with your child. Do whatever is possible during the time allocated and then do some physical or fun activity. It may be helpful to break the day into 30 minute or 40 minute slots. As the weeks go by each parent will have to decide for themselves how best to approach the work and how long to spend at work. Parents are not expected to re-create school at home but to do what they can to support their child’s learning at home. Please do not allow “home schooling” to become too stressful for your children or yourself.


When school reopens school staff will ensure that all work for your child’s current class level is covered and revised as necessary.


If your child has work from a SET/EAL teacher and the class teacher, please prioritise the SEN/EAL work. We do not want any pupil to be overwhelmed with school work during the school teacher.


Thank you

Thank you to all parents for doing all that you can to ensure continuity of learning for your children. We know that many of you are continuing to work from home and “home school” at the same time. This is not easy. To members of the school community who continue to leave their family home every day to provide essential services we say our biggest “Thank You”. Caring for the most vulnerable members of society and providing the services we all need during the crisis is the most important work of all.



I continue to be available by email at illistrinoffice@gmail.com if any parent wishes to contact me.

Best wishes to all pupils and parents,

Luke Kilcoyne,

Principal Teacher.

24th April 2020


Friday 17th April 2020 – Message from Mr Luke Kilcoyne

Dear Parents/Guardians,

I hope this letter finds you and your family safe and well and that you made the most of the Easter break. As you no doubt already know, the Minister for Education has announced that all schools will remain closed “until further notice”.


The school staff have been working to put in place arrangements to do all we can to continue the delivery of education to your children during the school closure. We wish to keep the children engaged in learning while, at the same time, making sure that they do not feel under unnecessary pressure and that we do not cause families or parents any undue stress.


Teachers’ Email Addresses

Each teacher has created a new email address in order to open lines of communication between teachers and parents. A text message with the relevant email address was texted to all parents on Friday 17th April.


You can contact your child’s teacher at that email address at any time if you have any queries about the suggested work or if you have any concerns or questions. Teachers will not be available 24/7 but they will make every effort to reply to emails as soon as possible. Communication should be between teacher and parent and not directly between teacher and pupil. Parents should use their own email address – not a child’s email address (should your child have one). The teachers’ email addresses will only be used during the school closure and once school reopens they will no longer be in use.


Please send an email to the teacher on Monday 20th April so s/he will have everyone’s email address as soon as possible. Please write your child’ s name in the subject box of the email.


Suggested work from your child’s teacher will continue to be placed under the Parents info tab above every Monday on a weekly basis. After clicking on parents info you then need to click Curriculum resources and then click on the relevant teacher’s name (a double click may be required). Specific work that is highlighted by the teacher can be emailed to the teacher directly and the teacher will provide feedback. Please note that if your child attends a Special Education Teacher or an English as an Additional Language Teacher, work from that teacher is also available and labelled as “SEN/EAL” under the Parents info, Curriculum resources tab at the top of this page.


Please do not place yourself or your children under any undue pressure with “Home Schooling”. The current situation is stressful for everyone and parents can only do their best.


Department of Education & the National Educational Psychology Service (NEPS)

The Department and NEPS have issued several resources that they have asked schools to share with you and that you may find useful during the school closure.


Plan for a Day

A sample “plan for a day” spent at home during the school closure has been published. It suggests trying to maintain a schedule, creating time for fun activities, time for learning, break times and time for physical activity. You can access it here:




A blank copy of the same document can be accessed here:




Advice for Young People while Schools Are Closed

NEPS has also published an advice booklet with guidance for young people and their parents at this time. It is available here:



Relaxation Techniques Podcast for parents and pupils

This link will take you to a podcast from NEPS to help parents and pupils practise relaxation techniques.



A Guide for Parents on supporting children and young people with daily routines while schools are closed

This NEPS document can be accessed here:




Thank you to those who provided feedback by emailing

illistrinoffice@gmail.com regarding the work suggested by teachers to date and with suggestions for future work. Please do not hesitate to email me if you have any concerns or questions.


Previous Posts

Previous posts to this website during the closure are still available to read further down this homepage. They contain some helpful educational websites and ideas.


Kindest Regards to all parents and pupils,

Luke Kilcoyne,

Principal Teacher.

17th April 2020



Saturday 4th April 2020 – Message from Mr Luke Kilcoyne


Dear Parents/Guardians,

Easter is the most important time of the year in the Christian calendar. This year we must celebrate the Easter message of hope and joy in our own homes. You can tune into the live stream of the Easter ceremonies from the Cathedral at this link:  https://www.churchservices.tv/letterkenny


Our Patron, Bishop McGuckian sends his best wishes to all members of the school community. He is keeping all of us in his thoughts and prayers. He wishes to let you know that the Raphoe Diocese has recently established a Facebook presence. You can see it by checking “Raphoe Diocese” on Facebook.


The Sisters of the Merciful Jesus in Letterkenny are preparing a series of short clips for children to guide them through Holy Week. These will be posted on their Facebook Home Page “Divine Mercy Centre Letterkenny” at 11am from Monday to Friday. These are aimed at helping children in this time of pandemic.


Here is a youtube video for children which tells the Story of Easter:


You can also access a version of the Easter Story with colouring sheets and questions for discussion with your child by clicking the link below titled The Easter Story:

The Easter Story


I hope all parents, pupils and family members will have time to relax over the Easter season. These last few weeks have been very difficult for all families and a break from school related work is recommended for everyone.


The work posted by teachers for the last 3 weeks will remain posted to the parents info tab above (under curriculum resources) should you wish to access it at any time during the school closure. Please note that if your child attends a Special Education Teacher or an English as an Additional Language Teacher, work from that teacher is also available  and labelled  as “SEN/EAL” under the parents info, curriculum resources tab at the top of this page.



It is important that we all look after your own wellbeing. Here is a link to HSE information about looking after your mental health during the Coronavirus outbreak:  https://www2.hse.ie/wellbeing/mental-health/minding-your-mental-health-during-the-coronavirus-outbreak.html


A sincere “Thank You” to those parents continuing to work outside the family home providing essential services to our community. You deserve great credit for your dedication to duty.


Holy Communion

Fr Gillespie has informed me that Holy Communion will not go ahead as planned on 9th May. A new date will be fixed when the current uncertain situation has improved.


Parent’s Association Facebook Page

Our Parents’ Association Facebook page (Illistrin PA) continues to post lots of fun activities which all members of your family could try at home. Illistrin Football Club and Ballaghaderg Garden Centre are among the local groups posting great ideas to keep us busy and active.

Thank you to everyone who emailed illistrininternational@gmail.com with samples of pupils’ work during our International Week. A video of the work will be posted to this website in due course.



After Easter

It seems unlikely that schools will reopen as scheduled on 20th April. If the schools remain closed past that date and into the 3rd term of the school year, teachers will continue to provide suggested work for parents to do with pupils at home on a weekly basis starting again on 20th April. After Easter your child’s teacher/s will also supply you with an email address at which you can contact him/her if you have any queries about the suggested work or if you have any concerns or questions. This will open up lines of communication between school and home during the closure. The teacher’s email address will be texted to you on Thursday 16th April or Friday 17th April.




Please email me at illistrinoffice@gmail.com if you have any feedback regarding the work suggested by teachers to date or if you have any suggestions for future work. Please let me know what has worked well so far for you and your child or if you have any ideas for future work. I will collate your feedback and suggestions/ideas and relay them to teachers.

You can also email me about any other matter, should you wish.


Previous Posts

My previous posts to this website during the closure are still available to read further down this homepage. They contain some helpful website and ideas.

I hope all the girls and boys are well behaved while confined to home and that they enjoy a delicious Easter Egg (or two!) during the Easter Season!

Stay safe and kindest regards,

Luke Kilcoyne,

Principal Teacher.

4th April 2020


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