March 2020 School News

Friday 27th March – Message from Mr Luke Kilcoyne regarding the School Closure due to Covid 19/Coronavirus


Dear Parents/Guardians,

I know that all families are doing all they can to cope in these very difficult times. Please remember that each of us can only do our best. I hope you and your children are keeping well and staying safe and healthy. That is what is most important.

Advice from the Department of Education and the National Educational Psychology Service (NEPS) on how to speak with your child about Covid 19 is available here:


The Department and NEPS have also issued “A Guide for Parents on supporting children and young people with daily routines while schools are closed”. It is available here:


Both of these documents contain simple and practical advice for parents. They are well worth reading.


I have been asked by the Minister for Education to pass the following message to all of you:

“There is an absolute need to practice social and physical distancing, and to minimise physical contact with each other, to help avoid the spread of Covid-19. This includes continuing to avoid meeting up and in all circumstances to adhere to HSE guidelines. Parents and guardians should continue to ensure that their children maintain the restrictions on congregating for the safety of all in their community.”

Updated information and advice from the HSE is available here in English:

and available in 17 other languages here:


Recommended Work for Week 3 of the School Closure:

An outline of the work that teachers recommend to do during Week 3 (30th March – 3rd April) of the school closure can be accessed like before by clicking on the Parent’s Info tab above, then clicking on Curriculum Resources and clicking on your Child’s Class Level. It is advisable to download the recommended work on a computer/laptop with Microsoft Word/Office as all documents are compatible with these. If you are opening your child’s work on a mobile phone, please remember that your phone settings may not allow for an accurate download of content e.g teachers diagrams, worksheets, etc. If you have any difficulty accessing the recommended work please email and we will arrange to have it emailed to you.

Your child’s teacher may also have provided some guidance on activities for your children to engage with during the Easter Season (reading, useful websites for learning, Easter crafts etc). During the 2 week Easter break we would encourage pupils to keep up their reading and other learning activities especially fun games that they have enjoyed at home over the last few weeks. Please use the websites and educational resources that we have recommended in previous posts to this website. These can be found and read further down this homepage.


After Easter:

The current closure has been extended to the 19th April. If the closure continues past that date and into the 3rd term of the school year, teachers will continue to provide suggested work for parents to do with pupils at home on a weekly basis starting again on 20th April.


RTE School on TV:

RTE school starts on Monday 30th March and will broadcasted from Monday to Friday every morning from 11.00 to 12.00 throughout the school closure. It is aimed at pupils from 1st class to 6th class. Pupils could include watching it as part of their daily routine. Here is a link with further information:


Pupils with additional or special educational needs:

The National Council for Special Education (NCSE) has issued advice and “Top Tips” for parents of pupils with additional or special educational needs. The materials have been developed by Occupational Therapists and Speech and Language Therapists. More resources and advice will be added in the coming days. The advice can be accessed here:


Wishing you all well and thank you for your continued support.

Luke Kilcoyne,

Principal Teacher.

27th March 2020

Ms McBride, Ms McGlynn & Ms McGroarty (EAL teachers) ‘International Week’ message

This week was to be International Week in Illistrin NS. We would still like to celebrate this with our families and the wider community. Maybe you could include a lesson on a country of interest to your family, listen to music from a different culture or do some art work from another country.

We are asking the school community to send some artwork, a song or piece of written work under this theme to We will then compile the photos we receive to create a video for our website and illistrin PA Facebook page. Let’s work together to celebrate our school while staying apart!!
Monday 23rd March – Message from Mr Luke Kilcoyne regarding the School Closure due to Covid 19/Coronavirus

Dear Parents/Guardians, 

I hope all our pupils and family members are keeping well during these difficult times. Please look after one another and stay in contact by phone or internet with other, especially older, family members, neighbours and friends. Please continue to follow the advice from the HSE re Covid 19. It will be updated regularly and can be accessed here:


Please continue to remind your children to practise good hand, coughing and sneezing hygiene. The importance of social distancing, maintaining a physical distance from others and limiting the number of social contacts is a key piece of advice and should be followed by all.


Recommended Work for Week 2 of the School Closure:

An outline of the work that teachers recommend to do during Week 2 of the closure can be accessed by clicking on the Parent’s Info tab above, then clicking on Curriculum Resources and clicking on your Child’s Class Level. If you have any difficulty accessing the recommended work please email and we will arrange to have it emailed to you.

Most of the publishers of Irish text books have made e-copies of their books free for parents and pupils to access online during the school closure. These will provide great reading material appropriate to your child’s class level. In many cases they have also made their digital resources and digital games free as well. These digital resources and games may provide you with educational ways to keep your children busy. 


Books and materials published by C.J. Fallon can be accessed here:


Books and materials published by The Educational Company (EDCO) can be accessed here:


Books and materials published by Folens can be accessed here:

Please note you should register as a teacher.
  1. Go to and click register
  2. Select Teacher
  3. Fill in a username, email and password
  4. For Roll Number use the code:  Prim20


We fully understand that many families are under considerable pressure at this time and we wish to remind you that your well-being and the well-being of your children is what is most important. Many parents are continuing to work outside the home in order to maintain essential services. We thank them for continuing to provide us with these essential services that we all depend on and can sometimes take for granted. Many other parents are working from home while also looking after their children. Please do not place undue pressure on yourselves. Some time set aside daily for fun activities, physical activity and learning is the best way for all of us to work our way through this unprecedented situation. 


A radio interview with  Ciara Reilly, Lecturer in Education in the Marino Institute of Education and a Primary School Teacher can be accessed here: . She offers excellent advice on “Covid-19: Teaching Primary School Children at Home”.


Illistrin Parents’ Association Facebook Page: 

Please check our Parents’ Association Facebook page, Illistrin PA, for some great ideas to keep children active and busy. The page also provides some links to other local Facebook pages demonstrating various activities for all of us to try out from our homes. These links include soccer coaching from Illistrin Football ClubDance classes from Dance Fitness with Tina(go into group icons on Facebook and search Dance Fitness with Tina, request an invite and Tina can add you to the group) and art lessons from Donegal Cartoons Jarla.


The Regional Cultural Centre, Letterkenny has started a project called #HomeIsWhereTheArtIs. The project sets a daily art challenge for children. You can see details on their website: on their Facebook page: Regional Cultural Centre, Letterkenny.



Spiritual Guidance:

We are grateful to Bishop McGuckian, Fr Kevin Gillespie and local clergy for providing a live stream from St Eunan’s Cathedral, Letterkenny. Mass from the Cathedral can also be viewed every day at 10.30 a.m. on the RTE News Now TV channel. The live stream from the Cathedral is here: full timetable of services is available here:


Useful Educational Websites:

There are hundreds of useful educational websites online that you can access free of charge. I recommend the 4 listed below as they make it easy for parents to access resources appropriate to your child’s age, class and ability. and enter the code IRLTWINKLHELPS – this code will give you free access to a huge number of resources.



Reading to your child and listening to your child reading is the best way to support your child’s continued learning at home. Many favourite books are available online in e-format. Spend a few minutes online searching for e-books your child might enjoy and you’d be surprised what is available for free or for a small cost. A reminder that free children’s audio books are available here during the month of March:

Saturday 14th March – Message from Mr Luke Kilcoyne regarding the School Closure due to Covid 19/Coronavirus

Dear Parents/Guardians,

Please continue to follow advice from the HSE re Covid 19. It will be updated regularly and can be accessed here:

Please also note the Department of Education advice re the school closure which can be accessed here:

In the event that any pupil is feeling unwell on or just before the school reopens, you are requested to seek advice from your GP by phone and to let the school know by emailing


The HSE and the Minister have asked all schools to share this important message with you:

All children are urged to practise social distancing, and to minimise physical contact with each other to help avoid the spread of Covid-19. This should include minimising social contact, avoiding meeting up and keeping physical space between children. Parents and guardians are urged to support their children to maintain this approach.

It’s important to remember that for school closures to be effective it’s really important that children aren’t mixing with other children while out of school. Children generally suffer mild symptoms but they could give the the virus to each other and silently pass it on to other family members and more vulnerable people or elderly people. What all of us do now can make a big difference.


How best to support your child’s learning during the School Closure:

Last Thursday, teachers sent home textbooks/work packs/worksheets. An outline of the work that teachers recommend to do during the 2 week closure can be accessed by clicking on the Parent’s Info tab above, then clicking on Curriculum Resources and clicking on your Child’s Class Level.

I would also encourage you to work with your children revising the work covered already this year. Reading, tables, spellings and handwriting are all activities that can be practiced and reinforced at home.


Useful Educational Websites:

Here are some useful websites with great educational resources for children of all ages that can be used at home: and enter the code IRLTWINKLHELPS – this code will give you free access to a huge number of resources. – this will give you free access to a great selection of children’s audio books.


Further notices will be posted to this website during the school closure.


School Closure

The Department of Education has closed all schools in the country from 13th March to 29th March 2020. The Department’s notice to schools can be read here:

Text messages and this website will be used during the next 2 weeks to give parents updated information and to let parents know how best to continue with their children’s learning during the school closure.

Please continue to visit for regular updates on the Coronavirus/Covid 19.

Should you have any queries in relation to this email please contact the Principal Mr. Luke Kilcoyne.


11th March 2020 – Statement from the Department of Education for all schools re Coronavirus/Covid 19

The Department of Education has asked every school in country to make the statement below available to all parents of primary school children. We also wish to remind you that you can contact the Principal Teacher, Mr Luke Kilcoyne, on 074 91 25775 or at if you have any concerns or questions. School staff are continuing to teach hand washing routines, coughing hygiene and sneezing hygiene. Every measure is being taken in school to do all we can to prevent any possible spread of the virus. We will continue to follow the advice of the Chief Medical Officer, the HSE and the Departments of Health and Education. Any possible decision to close any school in the country will be communicated to school management by the Departments of Health and Education. If this happens we will contact parents immediately.

Please note that a parent of any pupil returning to school from abroad at any time during the Coronavirus/Covid 19 outbreak must contact Mr Kilcoyne prior to their child’s return to school.

Department of Education Statement 11th March 2020:

We would like to direct your attention to updated guidance issued this morning on talking to children and young people about Covid-19.

You can access and download this guidance in both Irish and English from the Department of Education and Skills website below under the heading ‘Talking to children and young people about Covid-19’.

We would also like to direct your attention to a child-friendly interview that Deputy Chief Medical Officer Dr Ronan Glynn did with RTÉ’s new2day programme last week, that may also be a useful resource when talking about Covid-19 with children and students.

Statement Ends.

Coronavirus – Covid 19 : Updated Saturday 7th March 2020

The Department of Education, the Department of Health and the Department of Foreign Affairs continue to issue advice to all schools and parents regarding the Coronavirus/Covid 19. The advice has been issued in the interests of public health and to make school staff, pupils and parents aware of the measures everyone can take to prevent the spread of the virus. We are sharing this advice with you to allay any concerns you may have.

The Department of Education’s advice for schools, parents and pupils can be accessed here: This web page also contains links to the Department of Health’s advice for anyone travelling from an affected region.
You are also advised to check the HSE website regularly if you have any concerns:
You can also check the Department of Education website for updates over the coming days:
You may wish to use these posters below at home to inform yourself and your children about the virus and to help teach your child good hand hygiene, good coughing hygiene and good sneezing hygiene. Please click on each link to view:
If you require any further information please do not hesitate to contact the principal Mr Luke Kilcoyne at or 0749125775. 
Garda School Quiz

Well done to our quiz team who won the ‘Milford Garda District Heat of the Garda Schools Quiz’ on 5th March beating 17 other teams. Our team led from start to finish and displayed their great general knowledge answering questions on history, geography, sport, road safety and current affairs. They are pictured receiving their prizes from members of An Garda Síochána based in Milford. We are grateful to the Gardaí who put great time and effort into organising and hosting this quiz. Our team will take part in the County Final of the Garda Schools’ Quiz on 19th of March in the Mount Errigal Hotel. Best of luck to them!

Below are some of the questions they were asked:
Who is the prime minister of Great Britain?
Which is the largest lake in the Republic of Ireland?
What is the speed limit on Irish motorways?
Who was the 1st President of Ireland?
Where is the only place on Irish roads that you would see a flashing red light?

World Book Day

Pictured below are Ms. O’Donnell’s 6th Class & Ms. Lafferty’s Junior Infants celebrating World Book Day. 6th Class students read stories to Junior Infants and discussed their favourite characters, events and books.

6th Class Projects on ‘American Landmarks’


Bhféis Gaeilge i gClochar Loreto

Comhghairdeas mhór do na páistí a ghlac páirt i bhféis Gaeilge i gClochar Loreto Dé Máirt 3ú Márta. Bhí sé chomh deas éisteacht leis na páistí ó rang Ms. Ferry, Ms. McGee, Mr Gallagher agus Ms. Gormley ag déanamh rann agus amhrán ar an ardán. Thug muid fearadh na fáilte ó na múinteoirí agus ó na scólairí i gClochar Loreto. Fuair na páistí bosca pop arbhar agus fuair na múinteoirí cupán deas tae! Bhí muid iontach sásta nuair a fuair muid cúpla duais fosta. Fuair Ollie Haran scoláire na féise-éacht mhór dó! Maith thú Ollie! Rinne sé job iontach leis an dán An Leipreachán. Tá muid ag dúil go mór le seachtain na Gaeilge a cheiliúradh inár scoil féin.

Donegal Regional Championships

Well done to our Sportshall team who completed in the ‘Donegal Regional Championships’ in the Aura on Thursday 5th March. Everyone was so looking forward to this day as the children trained very hard over the past few weeks. The children competed in a variety of events: long jump, triple jump, vertical jump, chest push, speed bounce, javelin, obstacle relay, over under relay and running relays. Our 3rd & 4th class girls and boys achieved second place as did the 5th & 6th girls and boys teams. This was a very enjoyable day for all the children and it was a great way of meeting children from other schools. The event ran very smoothly. Thank you to the volunteers from Letterkenny Athletic Club for organising the day and to the transition year students from Loreto and St. Eunan’s college who helped on the day.


Coronavirus – Covid 19: Friday 28th February 2020
The Department of Education and the Department of Health have issued advice to all schools regarding the Coronavirus/Covid 19. The advice has been issued in the interests of public health and to make school staff, pupils and parents aware of the measures everyone can take to prevent an outbreak of the virus. We are sharing this advice with you to allay any concerns you may have.
A letter has also been issued for parents of pupils travelling from an affected region. It can be read here:
You are also advised to check the HSE website regularly if you have any concerns:
You can also check the Department of Education website for updates over the coming days:
If you require any further information please do not hesitate to contact the principal Mr Luke Kilcoyne at or 0749125775. 
Friday 28th February 2020
Senior Infants get a visit from Mr Conal Mc Carron from ‘The Irish Coast Guard’

Senior Infants have been learning about ‘People at Work’ in SESE. Oisín McCarron in Senior Infants dad came to visit us to discuss his job in the Irish Coast Guard. He discussed his role in rescuing people at sea, from mountains, crashes etc in the Sikorsky S-92 helicopter. Senior Infants had many questions for him and Mr McCarron left ‘Safety Squad’ books, wrist bands and some prizes for those who completed their ‘Safety Squad’ books at home. A massive thank you to Conal McCarron for his visit.



Cycle Right

Our three 6th classes are participating in “CYCLE RIGHT” – Cycle Safety Training.

The course consists of 4 x 2 hour sessions with each class. Topics covered include: safe equipment; rules of the road; starting and stopping; road positioning; shoulder checking; turning left and right; overtaking and traffic manoeuvres, and, where appropriate to the group, on-road training.

The emphasis of the course is on safety through control of the bike and awareness of surroundings. Fergus and Gemma McDaid provide the training. Coaching, bicycles and helmets are provided free of charge to the school. CYCLE RIGHT is supported by the Department of Transport, Tourism and Sport, An Taisce the Road Safety Authority and Cycling Ireland.



Gaelic Football Team

Pictured below are the boys on the Gaelic Football Team who have won the title of ‘Star Trainers’ from their recent training sessions held twice a week at lunch times. Two students are picked at each training session for the title. Congratulations to all the students particpating.

Fastest Feet in Donegal
We were delighted to have seven of our pupils compete in the “Fastest Feet in Donegal” competition in the Finn Valley Centre, Stranorlar on the 25th of February. Trials were held in in classes from 2nd to 5th and our seven fastest athletes qualified to represent the school in the Finn Valley Centre.

At the event each pupil had to sprint for 30m and were timed by the clock to find the fastest feet in Donegal. One of our girls came second in the under 12 category and one of our boys finished fifth in the under 12 category. Well done to all seven!

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