March News 2019

‘High 5 for Conall’ Raffle

Congratulations to Ms McLaughlin who won the raffle for ‘High 5 for Conall’. Pictured below are Ellie and Millie presenting Ms McLaughlin with the picture titled ‘Grá’ that their mother Louise Flanagan kindly donated as a prize.  Thanks to Ms McMenamin and her 6th Class for the fundraiser and raffle.

Senior Infants ‘Aistear’

Pictured below are Ms McGroarty’s Senior Infants who have been very busy in ‘Aistear’ learning about the farm.


Pictured below is Larry from 2nd Class working with circuits. He did lots of  investigating and extending the circuit by adding more bulbs. Well done our Little Scientist!

Fantastic Mr Fox

Children made models of the setting of ‘Fantastic Mr Fox’ by Roald Dahl. Then they presented them to their class.

Happy St Patrick’s Weekend

School will close on Thursday 14th March and reopen on Tuesday 19th March at normal times. 

There will be NO school on Friday 15th March and Monday 18th March.

We hope you all have a lovely break and enjoy the St. Patrick’s Day celebrations!

6th class fundraiser – “High 5 for Conall”

Our two 6th classes held their annual fundraiser on the 14th of March in the school hall. Proceeds from this year’s fundraiser were donated to “High 5 for Conall”. The pupils and their teachers, Ms O’Donnell and Ms McMenamin, organised a busy day of activities to entertain all the children in the school. Great games and fun events were on offer and of course everyone enjoyed some treats! Our 6th class pupils showed great initiative. They sought and received sponsorship from local businesses. They worked together and put every possible effort into making the day a great success. Their parents and family members were a great support to them. A big “Go Raibh Maith Agat” to everyone who supported this charity event.

Technology in Education: Preparing Children for the Future

A NPC North Regional Assembly Meeting will be held in the Mount Errigal Hotel, Letterkenny, Co. Donegal on Saturday the 30th of March 2019 from 11am to 4pm (Tea/Coffee will be available from 10.30am). NPC would like to invite parents of primary school children to attend this meeting looking at the issue of ‘Technology in Education: Preparing Children for the Future’.

Join them to hear experts discuss Technology in Education and the impact it can have on preparing children for the future, followed by a consultation with parents in order to inform NPC’s position when advocating on behalf of parents.

This event is free of charge and all parents of children in primary school are welcome to attend. Lunch will be provided. For more information please click on the link:

To register to attend please click here

Location: Mount Errigal Hotel, Letterkenny, Co. Donegal

Date: Saturday, 30th March 2019

Time: 11am – 4pm (Tea/Coffee from 10.30am)

Lá Gaelach

Bhí Lá Gaelach againn i Scoil Naomh Fiachra ar an 13ú Márta. Rinne na páistí iarracht agus ullmhuchan fíor-mhaith don Lá Gaelach. Chaith siad éadach glas agus baineadh usaid as an Ghaeilge. Bhí cur i láthair mór againn sa halla. Chan na páistí amhráin as Gaeilge, d’aithris siad dánta agus bhi an Haka againn freisin. Féach ar na grianghriafanna álainn. Bhain gach duine taitneamh as an Lá Gaelach.

Bullying Workshop

Gary and his team from the ‘Letterkenny Youth Service’ held a Bullying Seminar in the school hall for our 5th class pupils on 12th March. Pupils worked in groups and discussed what constitutes bullying behaviour and what is not bullying behaviour. Types of bullying were identified. Racism and cyberbullying were discussed. We hope that parents will take time at home to discuss bullying with their children. All of our teachers teach lessons on safe internet usage as part of the ‘Stay Safe programme’. We strongly advise that parents regularly review and monitor closely their child’s use of the internet and especially social media apps. Please check this link for helpful advice:

Family Quiz Night

4th Class Girls’ Soccer

Our 4th class girls’ soccer team enjoyed a great evening in Finn Park on 9th March. They played the county final of the ‘Finn Harps DMG Cup’ versus Niall Mor School from Killybegs. While the girls lost out to Killybegs, they put in a great performance and showed off their skills in an exciting game. A big Thank You to their parents and family members who accompanied them on the night and to their coach, Mr Kenny.

An Scór – CLG An Tearmainn


Our Quiz Team participated in the Garda Quiz in Kilmacrennan on 28th February. Half way through the quiz we were joint leaders and well placed to finish in the top 4 teams who were to qualify for the county final. Unfortunately at the end of the quiz we were placed 5th but nonetheless we are very proud of our teans’s great performance. A big thank you to their family members who helped them prepare and supported them on the night.

Sportshall Athletics

Our Sportshall Athletics Team participated in a ‘Sportshall Athletics Meet’ in the Aura Leisure Centre on the 6th of March. This event was organised by the Donegal Sports Partnership. Following trials in the school, Ms Toner, Mr McFadden, Ms McBride and Ms Hughes trained our team members. Our students performed brilliantly on the day with some superb individual and team performances. Pictured are some of the team members from the Aura.

St Eunans Football & Hurling Academies
Our Vegetable Garden

Pictured below are children from 1st, 3rd, 4th and 5th planting vegetable seeds. They planted rocket, radishes, peas, spinach and tomatoes. The children can’t wait to see them in a few weeks.

Engineers Week

Mr Kenny’s 4th Class students were very busy this week with ‘Engineers Week’. Our challenge was to design and build a cardboard chair with no glue or tape or anything. This proved a very difficult challenge, but all the students brainstormed together and came up with amazing models! Well done to all involved.

Ms McLaughlin’s and Ms Dillon’s 1st classes working as civil engineers for Engineer’s week. Their task was to build a bridge to hold half a pound or just over 200g of weight using only spaghetti and elastic bands.  One group managed to put 700g of weight on their structure! Well done to everybody involved.

Ms Devlin’s 3rd Class – Transport

Pictured below are Ms Devlin’s 3rd class who were studying ‘Transport’ last week. They completed a traffic survey of the N56 and discussed their findings in class.

Finn Harps Tournament – 4th Class
4th class boys and girls entered the Finn Harps tournament in Bonagee on the 12th February. The girls won their tournament, beating St. Baithins  2-1 in a very close final with little between the teams. They now go forward to the county finals. The boys were unlucky to lose one of their games, but thankfully they won the other two games and finished 2nd in their group. A massive well done to all involved!

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