February News 2019

Mid Term Break

There will be no school on Thursday 21st & Friday 22nd February. We hope everyone has a lovely mid term break.

Confirmation 2019
Congratulations and well done to our Candidates for Confirmation. On the 14th of February Bishop Alan McGuckian confirmed pupils from our 6th classes. The pupils put a lot of time and effort into their preparation and their hard work was obvious to all who attended the beautiful ceremony. As part of their preparation the pupils had participated in The Service of Light which took place in the school hall on the 31st  of January. It was also a lovely occasion. The pupils are a great credit to themselves, their families, their school and their parish. A big thank you to Fr Kevin Gillespie who worked so well with the pupils prior to their Confirmation. We are also grateful to the NET team for their help and enthusiasm. We also thank the 6th class teachers and assistants, Ms McMenamin, Ms O’Donnell, Ms Brennan and Mr McFadden.
Viking Projects by Ms Devlin’s 3rd Class

Internet Safety Talk

Safer Internet Day was held on 5th February. Teachers took the opportunity to teach internet safety lessons to our pupils. As a follow up, Garda Talbot and Garda Raftery from Milford Garda Station hosted a seminar for our 5th and 6th class pupils on 18th February. Pupils were taught about the best way to use the internet. Cyber bullying was discussed. Photo sharing and Apps that our children know a lot about were covered during the seminar. Mr Kilcoyne took the opportunity to remind pupils that they are not allowed to bring internet enabled devices or devices that can take photos or videos to school. Parents can find lots of useful information here: www.webwise.ie/parents


In January each of our 4th, 5th and 6th class teachers held a class quiz. The results determined who was successful in gaining a place on our Credit Union Quiz teams for 2019. We entered 4 teams in the Lettetkenny Credit Union Quiz which took place on 4th February. More than 70 different teams from different schools took part. All our teams did us proud on the night. One of our under 11 teams answered 51 questions correctly out of 60 questions asked. They were joint leaders with a team from Gaelscoil Lettetkenny at the end of the 10 rounds but were unlucky to lose out in a tie breaker. They are pictured with Eva from Letterkenny Credit Union who presented them with their medals and prizes awarded for finishing in 2nd place.

One of our under 13 teams answered 65 questions correctly out of 72 questions asked over 12 rounds. Unfortunately they also lost out in the tiebreaker round to the Gaelscoil. They are pictured with their medals and prizes. Photographs below also show all our teams, including subs, practicing during lunch time in the days before the quiz was held. Well done to all who participated.

5th Class visit Highland Radio

Mr C. Gallagher and his 5th class recently visited Highland Radio as part of their SPHE programme – Media Education kindly organised by Jimmy Stafford. Jimmy divided the class up and each group was brought around different areas in the studio. It was great to see behind the scenes and put a face to the voices we hear daily on Highland radio. The students gained a lot of knowledge about communicating with the wider world, script writing, editing, sales-advertisements, meeting deadlines and the importance of Time management.  John Breslin spoke about the importance of Math’s especially ‘Time’ when going on air – timing songs, advertisements, getting ready for the news and the skills used on air when interviewing somebody.

Canis Wilson showed 5th Class how to do an advertisement on air using excellent communication skills. He then showed them how to add music to the voice recording. They learned a lot about production and Oisin Kelly demonstrated the recording of an advertisement. David James spoke about his country show and was very impressed with everyone’s good manners and behaviour. It was a great day behind the scenes at Highland radio, especially the additional treats at the end. Well done to Lauren who won the special bag of prizes!

A busy January in Ms Molloy’s  3rd class

Ms. Molloy’s 3rd class were given three weeks to present a project of their own choice, based on ‘The Vikings’. I think Ms Molloy was very impressed.

Pictured below are: Marlin, Petra, Neha, Rianne & Caoimhe who made lots of Viking weapons.

Pictured below are: Chanelle,Caitlin and Sophia.

Ciara, Cormac and Cillian all made Viking Longboats which are pictured below.

Pictured below are the Viking longboats, helmets and runestones made by the students.

Daniel presented a very informative and impressive project based on Viking Gods.

Oisin presented an amazing project based on a Viking helmet, he used lots of materials from shaving foam, face masks and jewels. He enjoyed working with his Dad during this project.

Viking Art with Ms Molloy’s 3rd Class

The Vikings had their own system of writing called Runes. This basic alphabet had 16 letters. The Vikings used this runic alphabet which had lots of symbols and images. We craved our own names using this runic alphabet onto clay.

3rd Class Fun with Science

We have been learning all about Materials. We decided to design a suitable raincoat for our Lego men. We had already had gone around our school on a material tour outside. We then invented some crazy items made from unsuitable materials e.g a bed made out of chocolate, a car made out of ice and a bath made from paper.

We used lots of materials to design our Lego Men’s coat: bubble wrap, paper, plastic, nylon, cotton and many more items to try and discover what would happen each Lego man when we poured water over each material. We had great fun designing their coats and predicating if our Lego men would get wet.

We did a bit of cooking or maybe just finding out which of the these handles on our spoons were best suited for cooking. We put butter on each handle with hot water and tested which handle the butter melted on first. We learned about which materials were the best conductors or insulators.

We had some fun in the snow on Wednesday, examining snowballs -at the same time learning about materials changing from solids to liquids to gases.

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