December News 2017

Christmas Mass in the Cathedral

Pupils from Scoil Naomh Fiachra , Illistrin who took part in the Christmas children’s Mass in the Cathedral on Christmas Eve. Pictured are Sarah Coyle, Joel Jimmy, Sophie Temple and Lauren Kelly Ryan. Well done to you all.


School Reopens Monday 8th January 2018

The school reopens on Monday 8th January 2018. A full list of closures for the school year is available on this website by clicking on the parents info tab and clicking calendar.

Christmas Greetings

Christmas is a very special time of the year for all our pupils and their families. The ​pupils​ in ​ various ​​classes​ have really enjoyed preparing and performing their Christmas Shows. Two of our 1st classes participated in card making activities in the hall with their parents and family members. It’s great to see so many parents and family members coming along to see the children in school. Thank you to their teachers and assistants for all their hard work . You can check out some of the photographs of the various Christmas Shows and activities on this website by clicking the about tab and clicking school news. Then click December News. You can also see photos in our Gallery tab. On behalf of everyone here in the school I wish you, your children, your loved ones and your family, at home and abroad, a very Happy and Peaceful Christmas. Mr Luke Kilcoyne, Principal Teacher.

Christmas Closure
A reminder that the school will close for the Christmas Holidays on Friday, 22nd of December at 11.50am for Junior and Senior Infants and at 12.30pm for all other classes. The school reopens on Monday 8th January 2018. A full list of closures for the school year is available on this website by clicking on the parents info tab and clicking calendar.
Certificates of Achievement

Students that received 4 stars in a row from their class teacher were awarded a Certificate of Achievement on Thursday 21st of December during Assembly. All infant classes also received a certificate for all their hard work during the academic term. We look forward to awarding more certificates in 2018.


Christmas Jumper Day

Thank you to all who supported the Michael McGrath charity by donating €1 and wearing Christmas jumpers. The students looked very festive with a lovely Christmas atmosphere throughout the entire school. You can still donate on Friday 22nd December, if you haven’t already done so.



Charity Christmas Jumper Days

We will have Christmas Jumper days on Thursday 21st and Friday 22nd of December. Pupils are asked to bring €1 on either day to support Michael McGrath’s cancer treatment in Vienna. Full details can be viewed here: Thank you for supporting this worthwhile charity.

Memories from Junior Infants 

A massive well done to Ms Gildea’s & Ms Lafferty’s Junior Infants who have settled so well into Scoil Naomh Fiachra, creating many memories this academic term. Please click on each teachers link below to see their photostories.

 Ms Lafferty’s class: Please click link here:  PhotoStory1

Ms Gildea’s class: Photostory below

2nd Class Christmas Performance – Are we nearly there yet?

Ms McGarvey and Mr J. Gallagher’s 2nd classes performed the story of “Baby Jesus” on Wednesday 20th December.  The classes put in a lot of effort and the enthusiasm of the children was infectious, spreading the Spirit of Christmas throughout the whole school. Well done to everybody involved!




3rd Class Nativity Story

Our 3rd classes told the story of the Nativity in the school hall on 19th December. Parents and family members were very impressed with their narration and singing. They also told the story of the Jesse Tree. They reminded us all of the importance of Christmas.

4th Classes Christmas Performance 

A massive well done to all of the 4th Classes who performed their Christmas show today “Only Human” to all their families and the school. Their performance reminded us all of the true meaning of Christmas.




1st & 2nd Class – A Christmas Toy Story

Ms McLaughlin’s 1st Class & Ms Larkin’s 2nd Class performed the “Christmas Toy story” today Tuesday 19th December. Their show was spectacular with beautiful singing and dancing. Well done to all involved and their families for coming to see the show.




Senior Infant Christmas Sing along
Our 3 Senior Infant classes entertained their parents, siblings and family members with a lovely festive sing along in the school hall on 15th December. They looked fantastic in their Christmas jumpers, shirts and dresses!
Junior Infant Christmas Show
Junior Infant pupils performed ‘The story of Christmas’ to their parents and family members in school this week. The story was magical with lots of Christmas dance and songs. The classroom was beautifully decorated with all the children’s  Christmas art. The performance ended with a memorable photo story of all the events and lessons the children have participated in to date.  Well done to everybody!
Arrangements during bad weather

Every effort will be made to keep the school open. However any decision to close will be made as early as possible.

  • A text informing parents of the closure will be sent using our “text a parent” service.  Please make sure we have your up to date mobile number and that you are receiving the school texts.  If you are not receiving the texts please contact the school secretary.
  •  Bus drivers will be informed of the closure.
  •  An announcement will be made on Highland Radio as early as possible.
  •  A notice may be posted here on our website:
  • A post will be made to our Parents’ Association Facebook page 
  • During bad weather please be very careful when using the car park.

When the school is open during poor weather conditions please contact the bus drivers directly to check if the buses are running. Brian Gallagher can be contacted on 086 325 1384. Margaret Gallagher can be contacted on 086 38105416. Managn’s (CIE Bus) can be contacted on 087 855 4804.

The Nutcracker Dance Workshops

First and second classes are very excited about their Christmas trip to An Grianan Theatre to see a new version of the Christmas favourite, ‘The Nutcracker’. The choreographer of the show, Jessica Peoples of ZoNa dance, visited the school on the 8th of December. Jessica carried out dance workshops with the pupils from first and second classes. They enjoyed movement to music and learning a little about ‘The Nutcracker’. This version of ‘The Nutcracker’ is set in Donegal and brings exciting drama and dialogue to the show while retaining some of the ballet version’s more famous dance pieces.




1st Class Christmas Card Event

Ms McClafferty’s and Ms Devlin’s First Classes invited parents to a special Christmas Card making event during the week. Tricia Wilson from Memory Lane Cards and Gifts facilitated the event.  All pupils enjoyed some special time making their card with their parents or teachers. They also made some tree decorations for someone special.  Parents, pupils and staff were then invited by Ms Higgins to enjoy a fun dance along. This was followed by some tea and treats.  The hall in Illistrin was full of festive cheer and colour. Ms McClafferty & Ms Devlin would like to thank all the parents for taking the time to come in and wish you all a wonderful Christmas.

For more pictures of this event, please see our Gallery tab.



Christmas in Illistrin

As we begin Advent in Illistrin we have our Crib and our Jesse tree displayed in the hallway. Sixth class pupils helped with the crib and the Jesse tree, a tree that shows who Jesus’s  family are. The crib is the real symbol of Christmas and is of great importance as we move towards the world meeting of families  in  Ireland in 2018 in Dublin. Lets talk family, Let’s be family this Christmas. 





Christmas Mass times in St. Eunan’s Cathedral
Santa receives Garda escort to Illistrin school
Our Parents’ Association Annual Christmas Party was a big success again this year. Santa arrived in a Garda Car and received a great welcome. His selection boxes proved a big hit with everyone.  Our DJ provided musical entertainment and local dance groups entertained the crowds. The children enjoyed face painting, games and lots of treats! A big thank you to everyone who helped out in any way. Happy Christmas to everyone from our Parents’ Association and we look forward to your continued support in 2018.
Advent Season

As part of the celebration of Christmas we look forward to the Advent season. In our school third and sixth class were given a display of how the Advent Wreath is made. Vera visited both groups and explained the meaning behind our wreath. In this special year in the Church we look to the coming of our Pope Francis to Ireland in August to celebrate the World Meeting of Families. Sunday  3rd December was the first Sunday and we lit our first candle on the wreath. Pictures below show some of the art work  completed by students and Vera working with the class groups.




Many thanks to all our pupils and their families who supported our annual St Vincent De Paul Christmas Hamper Appeal. On the 1st December senior pupils helped to load up 3 cars with donations. Members of the local St Vincent De Paul collected all the goods. They wish to extend their gratitude to the whole school community. It is important to remember and help those families in our community who will struggle at Christmas.
BizWorld visits 5th class

BizWorld Ireland is a not-for-profit organisation that promotes entrepreneurship skills for 10-13 year olds. A trained Bank of Ireland volunteer, Lucia, delivered workshops in Mr Gallagher’s 5th class over 2 days. The students learned about money management and enterprise in fun and creative ways. Instilling an entrepreneurial spirit in children from a young age and developing their awareness of financial management, means they are equipped to become financially responsible members of society. The skills children develop in BizWorld Ireland workshops are the most sought-after skills in the workforce today: creativity, collaboration, communication, teamwork and negotiation. Students worked in teams to learn and undertake the tasks involved in setting up a business. They worked together to agree and negotiate the roles, responsibilities and structures with the objective of presenting their financial and marketing strategy and plan to the “Dragons” at the end of the workshops. Everyone was very impressed with their great ideas and business skills.



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