Code of Behaviour


Whereas Scoil Naomh Fiachra promotes positive behaviour, as a staff we are aware that pupils in our school will at times misbehave. The following  lists a range of misdemeanours and sanction that apply accordingly.

Each class teacher will display a list of pupils (using pupils initials to identify them). If the pupil misbehaves then this misbehaviour is recorded in a teachers’ notebook and on the chart ( R reminder, W warning, tick , Y yellow card (1 serious misdemeanour or 3 ticks) or R red card ( gross misdemeanour or 2 yellow cards).

At the end of each week, a pupil that has behaved all week and has received no mark/reprimand  of any sort will have earned a STAR. Any pupils that has received 4 consecutive  STARS will have earned a Star Pupil of the Month award/certificate.

The chart is wiped clean at the start of each week but the teacher continues to record any and all misdemeanours.

If a misdemeanour occurs during break-time then the supervising teacher will make the class teacher aware of the incident, the facts are recorded and an appropriate sanction is given (if a pupil was sanctioned during  the break (removed from game/yard, sent to the wall, then this will suffice, but the incident is recorded and marked on the chart).

MISDEMEANOURS in the classroom
Range of APPROPRIATE SANCTIONS Misdemeanours in class
Wandering around classroom
Shouting out
Annoying Others
Swinging on chairs
Throwing coats on floor
Continuously leaving seat without permission
Telling lies
Lining up inappropriately
Low level of disturbance
Sulking and huffing
Making faces
High level of noise
Littering classrooms
Swiping things from desks
MISDEMEANOURS in the classroom
Shouting out answers
Swinging on chairs
Continuously leaving seat without permission
Out of place during breaks
Distracting others in class (talking etc) In class sanctions apply at the discretion of the class teacher eg, withdrawal of privileges
Homework not complete
Book/copies left at home
Telling tales
Bad manners when entering a classroom on a message
Pulling faces
Throwing line of coats on floor
Not putting chairs up on desks properly
Boys maintain eye contact with teacher when they are speaking to them
Littering classrooms
Untidy desk/school bag/uniform
MISDEMEANOURS outside the classroom
Running on corridors
Making excessive noise on corridors or in line
Not lining up properly
Running on grass
Wandering into the wrong area of yard
Throwing litter
Rough play/trains etc.
Abusing property/flowers
Silly name calling
Splashing others in puddles
This list is an example of most common misdemeanours but other incidents (not listed) may arise, if this occurs the Principal and/or School Management Team and/or teacher will decide/agree as to the sanction imposed.
R (REMINDER) is used when a pupils is reminded, regarding an unwanted behaviour.
W (WARNING) is used if, after a reminder, the unwanted behaviour continues.


Once a pupil has been given a REMINDER in relation to misbehaviour, the pupil will not be reminded again in relation to any other misbehaviour and a WARNING may be issued.

In class sanctions apply at discretion of the class teacher, Golden-time, withdrawal of privileges, temporary separation from peers.


Ö (tick) is used if unwanted behaviour continues.


If a pupil’s unwanted behaviour affects classroom teaching/learning the pupil may be given a TIMEOUT (30 mins max, this time is to be differentiated for the pupils in the Junior section of the school).

TIMEOUT involves the pupils being sent to another class/SEN team member where (s)he is asked to complete a reflective log and assigned class work.

Incident(s) are recorded by teacher.

The Reflective log is signed by pupil, teacher and sent home to be signed by parents.


All incidents are recorded by class teacher in a notebook.


A third Ö (ticks ) becomes a YELLOW CARD

Repeated incidents of these misdemeanours over a period of time become serious and parents will be informed.

If a pupil refuses or defies teachers instructions, a member of the SMT/SEN will be contacted who in turn will contact the principal if the child continues to not co-operate with the request.

Teachers in class bands can arrange that one remains in a supervisory capacity in the classroom while the other supervises those children being rewarded in the yard.

Deny the child something he enjoys.


Outside classroom/YARD

1.      Warning

2.      Wall 10 mins

3.      Wall all break – recorded in yard book and √ (tick) is recorded on chart

4.      Repeated incidences of these misdemeanours over a period of time( 5 times a week) become serious and principal/parents will be informed

5.      Deny the child something he enjoys

Teachers will be aware of pupils with special needs and to be tolerant and understanding regarding their behaviour.

SERIOUS MISDEMEANOURS in the classroomRange of APPROPRIATE SANCTIONS   Serious misdemeanours

Bad language, answering back, cheek.

Abusing property (class and other pupils)

Blocking sink

Objects thrown into toilet

Deliberate floor wetting

Playing and running in toilet area

Throwing objects

Using bad language

Out of seats at lunch time

Stealing lunches

Running around the room

Hitting and Kicking others

Mocking pupils and teachers

Name calling, teasing and taunting

Threatening behaviour – gestures and comments

Possession of mobile phones

Forging of signatures



Muttering under breath

Mocking   pupil

Blocking sinks, throwing objects down toilet

Purposefully wetting floor

Throwing food around the classroom

Squirting drinks, spilling yogurt on purpose

Disrespectful to teachers and SNA’s, peers

Name calling

Swiping things from desk, may be high grade depending on degree and safety

Forging of signatures


Possession of a Mobile phone without parental note


SERIOUS MISDEMEANOURS outside the classroom


Persistent name calling.

Hitting others.

Slapping / pulling hats of others.

Refusing to tell name.

Spitting at others with intent.

Exclusion in games.

Threatening and taunting others.

Bad language.

Shouting back at teachers and SNA.

Defiant Behaviour.


Aggressive behaviour to include (punching, kicking, slapping around the face hitting with ball intentionally, throwing stones and objects, tripping intentionally, arm locking, headlocks, shoulder barge (shoving game in shelter), wrestling, spitting and biting (and/or), pulling the chair from under another child, anything involving physical tugging or pushing)

Swinging on basketball nets, goal posts, railings etc.

Passing school boundaries

Disrespecting toilet areas


Graffiti – non-sexual nature

Repeated breaches of school rules with regard to banned objects e.g. chewing gum etc.


This list is an example of most common misdemeanours but other incidents (not listed) may arise, if this occurs the Principal and/or School Management Team and/or teacher will decide/agree as to the sanction imposed.

In class sanctions apply at discretion of the class teacher, Golden-time, withdrawal of privileges, temporary separation from peers

A YELLOW CARD is used if serious misbehaviour occurs


If a pupil’s behaviour affects classroom teaching/learning the pupil may be given a TIMEOUT (30 mins max, this time is to be differentiated for the pupils in the Junior section of the school).

TIMEOUT involves the pupils being sent to another class/SEN team member where (s)he is asked to complete a reflective log and assigned class work.

Incident(s) are recorded by teacher.

The Reflective log is signed by pupil, teacher and sent home to be signed by parents.



If a pupil receives 2 YELLOW CARDs in a given week then this will result in a RED CARD and   Detention.

Detention involves the pupil completing a reflective log and assigned work during a break-time, usually takes place in the Computer room or the principal’s office.

Reflective log and an unfinished work is signed by pupil, teacher and sent home to be signed by parents.


All incidents are recorded by class teacher in a notebook.


Repeated incidents of these misdemeanours over a period of time become serious and principal and parents will be informed. Behaviour plan set up and monitored over a two week period.


If two RED CARDS are received within a given month ( 4 week ) then a personal agreement contract is designed (between pupil and teacher and signed by pupil/teacher/principal). If this agreement/contract is broken by the pupil then the matter is referred to the principal. An immediate meeting with the parents is arranged.


If a pupil refuses or defies teachers instructions, a member of the SMT/SEN will be contacted who in turn will contact the principal if the child continues to not co-operate with the request.

Teachers in class bands can arrange that one remains in a supervisory capacity in the classroom while the other supervises those children being rewarded in the yard.

Deny the child something he enjoys.


In- class sanctions

Personal contract with child or children who are likely to offend

Parents contacted via phone and standard letter from school requesting urgent meeting with class teacher. Letter to be posted.




Persistent offending referred to Principal or designated person from Senior Management Team. Meeting requested with parent and Principal or designated person from Senior Management Team.

Behaviour plan set up and monitored a one week period.

Three High Grade Serious misdemeanours will be subject to the sanction of a Gross Misbehaviour.


N.B. Persistent misbehaviour may require support of National Educational Psychological Service or other suitable support service.



Teachers will be aware of pupils with special needs and to be tolerant and understanding regarding their behaviour.




Gross Misdemeanours


Deliberate physical assault on pupil, teacher or SNA.

Throwing furniture.



Deliberate disobedience and defiance

Constant disruption

Persistent defiant behaviour

Refusing to work and cooperate

Refusal to leave the room at break/lunchtime


Child locking or refusing to leave toilet cubicles is a high grade serious misdemeanour

A Child who leaves the classroom without permission is a high grade serious misdemeanour.


Children in Junior Infants who leave the classroom after the first term is a high grade serious misdemeanour.

Repeated possession of Mobile Phone.



GROSS MISDEMEANOURS outside the classroom


Deliberate physical assault on pupil, teacher or SNA

Leaving school grounds without permission.







Persistent defiant behaviour.

Repeated possession of mobile phone







This list is an example of most common misdemeanours but other incidents (not listed) may arise, if this occurs the Principal and/or School Management Team and/or teacher will decide/agree as to the sanction imposed.


1.     Straight RED card

2.     Principal contacted immediately (using red card alert system if necessary).

3.     Pupil removed from class.

4.     Incident recorded and reported to Principal.

5.     Parents contacted immediately.

6.     Suspension procedures adhered to.



Outside classroom/YARD

1.     Bullying- Procedures according to Anti- Bullying policy adhered to.

2.     Deliberate physical assault on teacher or SNA.

a)     Removal from yard.

b)     Principal or designated person from Senior Management Team contacted using red card alert system.

c)      Parents informed immediately.

d)     Suspension procedures adhered to.


3.     Leaving the school grounds without permission.


a)     Principal or designated person from Senior Management Team contacted using red card alert system.

b)     Parents informed immediately.

Suspension procedures adhered to.


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