Vex Robotics
Well done to some of the 6th Class and 5th Class pupils who attended the Vex Robotics event held in LYIT on Friday 17 January 2020. It was a very educational day and pupils performed so well. Well done to all the teachers involved.
Enrolments 2020
Our Enrolment Policy can be viewed by clicking on the Enrolment Policy 2020 below:
An Enrolment Application Form can be downloaded below or you can phone our school secretary on 074 91 25775 and she can post or email the form to you. Alternatively email our secretary at
enrolment application form 2020
A copy of your child’s Birth Certificate must be supplied with the completed application form. A Baptismal Certificate, if applicable, should also be supplied.
January 2020: Parents/Guardians wishing to enrol their child to start in September 2020 may visit the school on Wednesday 22nd January anytime from 10.00a.m. to 2.30p.m. Alternatively, if you wish to visit the school on a different day please phone the school secretary on 074 91 25775 to arrange a suitable day and time.
Friday 31st January 2020: Last day for receipt of completed Enrolment Application forms.
Friday 14th February 2020: Letters will be posted to parents informing them of the outcome of their application to enrol their child.
Late May 2020: We will invite the new pupils and their parents/guardians to an open day in the school which will take place in early June.
Please phone the school on 074 91 25775 if you require any further information.