October 2019 News

Election of Parents to new Board of Management and School Information Meeting:
Please see the letter below for details of the process for electing 2 parents to the Board of Management of the school and our annual School Information Meeting. Both the election and the meeting will take place in the school hall on Monday 4th November at 7.00p.m. All parents and guardians of pupils enrolled in the school are invited to attend.

Election of parents to the Board of Management and School Information Meeting


Happy Halloween

Mrs Dillon’s 5th class had a “Mummy Competition” for Halloween. Each group had to create a mummy using just themselves and a roll of toilet roll! The children had a lot of fun designing their Mummies!

Letterkenny Badminton Club visit Illistrin School
Coaches from Letterkenny Badminton  Club  visited our school on the 15th of October. Pupils from Ms Toner’s  fifth class and Ms Dillon’s  fifth class were delighted to have the opportunity to have some free badminton coaching  The pupils really enjoyed the lessons. A big thank you to the club for making their coaches available.
Congratulations to our Swimming Team
Congratulations to our swimming team! On Saturday, the 12th of October our swimming team participated in the ‘Swim Ulster Schools Cup and Championship’ in Bangor, County Down. 6 pupils from our school who train with the Swilly Seals Swimming Club took part in various events on the day. Medals were won.  PBs were were achieved and finals were reached. We are particularly pleased that one of our relay teams have qualified for the National finals in Dublin in February. Team members are pictured with Mr Kilcoyne. Well done everyone!
Mrs Kennedy’s Retirement
On 30th September we celebrated Mrs Kennedy’s retirement. Mrs Kennedy spent nearly 40 years in Scoil Noamh Fiachra and we will all miss her terribly. On Mrs Kennedy’s last morning in the school a  prayer service was conducted in the school hall by Fr Kevin Gillespie. Our senior pupils sang hymns and gave thanks to God for Mrs Kennedy’s 40 great years in our school. In the afternoon our pupils and staff celebrated in style. Pupils sang lovely songs and performed great dances. Mrs Kennedy had her dancing shoes on and joined in with all the fun. We wish Mrs Kennedy a long, happy and healthy retirement! We hope she will come and visit us regularly.
Special Olympian Visits 5th Classes
We were delighted  to welcome our past pupil Shaun Bradley to our 5th classes on 1st October. Shaun Bradley is a Special Olympian and brought his Olympic medals with him to display to everyone. Shaun gave a great motivational speech to our pupils and is a great role model to all our pupils. He told the pupils about some very famous people he has met including Nelson Mandela and Arnold Schwarzenegger!
Junior Infant Parents’ Meeting
Parents of our new Junior Infant parents visited the school on the evening of the 2nd October. Our 3 Junior Infant teachers, Ms Lafferty, Ms Doyle and Ms Stewart gave very interesting presentations in their classrooms. Parents  were informed about school routines and the Junior Infant curriculum. After these meetings all the parents gathered in the school hall where our Principal Teacher, Mr Kilcoyne, outlined school policies and procedures. The evening concluded with a cup of tea provided by our hard working Parents’ Association Committee members.

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